
  • S06E09 - HR Rescue: LGBTQ+ Protections Expanded Nationwide: Time For Employers To Act

    Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited nationwide.  The Supreme Court ruled in June 2020 that terminating an employee merely being gay or transgender is discrimination based on sex in violation of Title VII.  In light of this ruling, employers that do not already prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity should update their policies immediately and take several other steps to ensure compliance with the law, and to cultivate a diverse workplace and a culture of tolerance and inclusion.  In this podcast HR expert Jenni Stone shares 7 steps you can take today to protect individuals identifying as LGBTQ+ from workplace discrimination.
  • S06E08 - HR Rescue: How to Prevent Race Discrimination

    Race discrimination in the workplace is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Discrimination can be overt, such as failing to promote an individual because of their race, but race discrimination can also occur where the employer enacted policies that while not discriminatory in intent had a disparate negative impact on employees of a particular race. An employer also may be liable for race discrimination if an employee suffers harassment on the basis of race in the workplace. Defending a case of race discrimination or harassment is disruptive and expensive, even if the employer is ultimately found not to be liable. Prevention is the best way to avoid this situation.

    A well-crafted, rigorously enforced antidiscrimination policy, ongoing training and policy review, and a top-to-bottom commitment to creating and maintaining a workplace free from discrimination can offer substantial protection against race discrimination claims. In this podcast HR expert Jenni Stone shares 11 steps to prevent race discrimination in your workplace.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next video!
  • S06E07 - HR Rescue: OSHA Guide Return To Work

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued new guidance intended to help nonessential businesses manage their employees' return to work during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

    The guidance aligns with the three phases President Trump put forward in his Opening Up America Again, consistent with state stay-at-home orders and reopening plans. In this podcast, HR expert Jenni Stone explains the three phases of reopening, and the concerns needed to be addressed by nonessential businesses.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S06E06 - HR Rescue: Supervisor's Guide to Leading Through the Pandemic

    Leading employees in times of change can be challenging in the best of circumstances. As a supervisor faced with guiding your employees through change due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is only natural to feel like you are navigating uncharted territory. In many ways, you are doing just that. However, while the circumstances surrounding the current public health crisis are very different from most work-related change, the principles of effective leadership and change management remain the same.  In this week’s podcast HR expert Jenni Stone shares a guide for leading through the pandemic.

    Thank you for listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S06E05 - HR Rescue: Anticipating and Addressing Employees' Return-to-Work Concerns Post-Pandemic

    With stay-at-home orders starting to lift and businesses preparing to begin the process of resuming regular operations, it's time for HR professionals, managers and other business leaders to start putting in place concrete plans for a return to work. At this pivotal juncture, it's important to take proactive steps to anticipate and address employee concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    As the public health and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic remains top of mind for employers and employees alike, regardless of company size or industry, organizations will be well-served by proactive planning that addresses these key areas: safety, business viability and work-life concerns.

    Thank you for listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S06E04 - HR Rescue: Tips for Managing a Team from Home

    In response to the uncertainties presented by COVID-19, many companies and universities have asked their employees to work remotely. While close to a quarter of the U.S. workforce already works from home at least part of the time, the new policies leave many employees — and their managers — working out of the office and separated from each other for the first time.

    Although it is always preferable to establish clear remote-work policies and training in advance, in times of crisis or other rapidly changing circumstances, this level of preparation may not be feasible. In this episode we share 6 quick and easy tips to managing a team from home.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!


  • S06E03 - HR Rescue: Helping Employees Through Survivor's Guilt in the Wake of a Layoff

    When an organization goes through a reduction in force, it is just as important to have a plan in place for working with those who will remain with the organization as it is for those who will be directly affected by job losses. This is just as true for layoffs triggered by a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic as it is for layoffs caused by more common factors, such as a merger or a decline in customer demand. A manager or HR professional working with the remaining employees must be able to understand and effectively lead through the complicated emotions these employees are experiencing.  In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares best practices for addressing survivors guilt and effective workplace communication.

    Thank you for listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S06E02: HR Rescue - Remote Work as the New Normal Post-Pandemic

    The effects of the novel coronavirus will reverberate in US workplaces for years, and there will never be a return to the pre-pandemic state of "normal." Given the sweeping impact, it is not too early to start considering what the world of work will look like after the most immediate crisis has passed.

    For many employers, the biggest permanent change will be a more remote - or entirely remote - workforce. In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares some key considerations to keep in mind as businesses move to a more distributed model.

    Thank you for listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S06E01 - HR Rescue: How to Prepare for a Recession and It's Impact Durning the Coronavirus Pandemic

    It is too early to know the full implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but most experts are in agreement that the economy is headed for a serious downturn. Proactive, advance planning by HR can help businesses weather the worst of the storm while preserving as many jobs as possible.

    A recession is a difficult time for an employer, both financially and emotionally. When hard choices need to be made that affect the lives of many people, a head-in-the-sand approach serves neither the business nor its employees. In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares five practical steps businesses can take to reduce costs, maximize opportunities and ensure all resources are used to maximum effect in preparation for a possible recession.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E15 - HR Rescue: How to Develop and Maintain Productivity in a Virtual Work Space

    Companies are scrambling to establish work from home telecommuting policies in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus. The immediate priorities are the technical prerequisites necessary to get workers connected remotely. The larger challenge is harder to quantify: how to develop and maintain productivity in a virtual work space.

    Establishing an effective work environment is critical when working from home. This applies to the physical space, technology, and work habits. The key to a productive home office that balances work & family life is the development of an isolation strategy.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E14 - HR Rescue: Remote Working During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak becomes more acute, employers must consider remote working options and implement emergency communications plans.

    While an organization already may have been offering flexible work options to certain teams or job classifications, a public health crisis may propel an employer to scale those options to most, if not all, of its workforce.

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has stated that remote work is one strategy to control transmission of the coronavirus. Federal, state and local labor agencies are following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for social distancing and limiting face-to-face contact. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enforces an employer's legal requirement to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards.

    Based on these recommendations and compliance requirements, an employer should strongly consider making remote working options available to as many workers as possible. Even if an employee is not generally allowed to work remotely due to particular job duties or the employer's industry (e.g., healthcare), employees with disabilities that put them at high risk for complications associated with COVID-19, or employees who may be pregnant, may request to work remotely as a reasonable accommodation to reduce chances of infection.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E13 - HR Rescue: Coronavirus and the Workplace

    Now that the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus, otherwise known as COViD-19, in the United States are rising, employers should look for ways to protect their employees and workplace. While the coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause various illnesses, from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), COViD-19 is a new strain that had not been previously identified in humans. As a result, employers should strive to educate themselves and their employees about COViD-19 and how it affects the workplace.

    However, an employer's role is complicated by various legal issues touching upon safety, employee health, job functions and business travel. An employer should consider certain measures to better prepare and protect its employees and the workplace.  An employer should also consider workplace strategies relating to COViD-19, along with other infectious diseases.

    If you’d like a customizable Coronavirus Guidance Letter to distribute to your employees, please go to www.hr-shield.com, scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up, we’ll send it!  Or send me an email directly to support@hr-shield.com.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E12 - HR Rescue: The New Form I-9

    The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new Form I-9 for employers to sue starting January 31, 2020. Employers may begin using the new form with  revision date of 10/21/2019 now or continue to use the prior version of the Form I-9 (revision date 07/17/2017) until April 30, 2020.  However, beginning May 1, 2020 employers must use the new form and all previous versions of Form I-9 will be invalid.

    Thank you for listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S05E11 - HR Rescue: Managing Contingent Labor

    Did you know about 57 million Americans (or 36% of the US workforce) are freelancing, which is defined as performing supplemental, temporary, project- or contract-based work? Based on current growth, a study predicts the majority of the US workforce will be freelancing within the next 10 years.

    Using freelancers and other contingent workers – such as independent contractors, leased employees, consultants, on-call workers, part-time workers and temporary employees – can help companies save money, lower their administrative burden, acquire workers with unique skills that their current workforce lacks, and even “test drive” workers before taking them on as full-time employees.

    However, using contingent workers can result in a business owing back taxes, benefits and other penalties if a worker is misclassified and can heighten the risks of trade secret leaks, sexual harassment and discrimination.

    We share four practical tips to help HR realize the benefits of contingent labor while minimizing the inherent risks.

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  • S05E10 - HR Rescue: Office Pools

    Workplace betting pools, fantasy leagues and bracket challenges can be popular at workplaces throughout the year, with key events like the Super Bowl and the NCAA College Basketball Tournament providing opportunities for gamesmanship and team-building.

    While these activities can foster excitement in the workplace and allow employees to find common ground on issues outside of work, an employer should be aware of the downside of office pools.

    In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone covers some key tools and resources to help an employer manage employees effectively and reduce the risk of liability.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!
  • S05E09 - HR Rescue: Lessons on Email Etiquette

    In most working environments, there are no hand-written rules surrounding proper email etiquette. Many of us know to avoid the obvious: politically incorrect cartoons, offensive video content, unforgiving language and other questionable materials. But, it’s often the lapses in communication that result in conflict. For example, by simply pressing “forward” without an explanation or introduction, you leave the message’s meaning up to the recipient’s interpretation. You could quickly offend your recipient and create an unnecessary misunderstanding. In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares ten helpful guidelines. I encourage you to share them with your office!

    Thank you for watching listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next episode!

  • S05E08 - HR Rescue: Reports are Not Data Analytics

    According to a study by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, while 67 percent of CEOs receive reports on basic HR metrics, only 24 percent are briefed on analytics that connect people metrics to business metrics. Ultimately, there is still a disconnect between strategically significant HR activities and what is captured in HR metrics. HR possesses large quantities of people data. By analyzing this data, HR is able to become a strategic partner that relies on proven and data-driven predictive models, instead of relying on gut feeling and soft science.

    Thank you for watching listening to this episode. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E06 - HR Rescue: IRS Debuts the 2020 Form W-4

    The IRS released the completely redesigned calendar year 2020 Form W-4 on December 4, 2019. The form was overhauled to comply with the 2017 federal tax reform law, which suspends personal exemptions and withholding allowances through 2025.   Employers use Form W-4 to calculate each employee's income tax withholding. On prior versions of the form an employee's income tax withholding was determined by the number of withholding allowances the employee indicated on the form and the employee's tax status - single, married filing jointly or married but withholding at the higher single rate. Beginning in 2020, an employee's income tax withholding is determined based on the employee's tax status and adjustments (allowances have been eliminated). The 2020 form also contains a new tax status: Head of Household.

    Thank you for watching listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E05 - HR Rescue: Wage and Hour Violations in a Digitally Connected Workplace

    Many workers are digitally connected to their workplace 24/7, which has created enormous potential for wage and hour violations. If an employer requires or allows employees to work, the employee must be paid for all of that time. This means that even if the employer did not ask the employee to work, the employer may still be required to compensate the employee, so long as (1) the employer knows or has reason to believe that the employee is continuing to work, and (2) the employer is benefiting from the work being done. This is true regardless of where the work is performed at. In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares steps an employer can take to protect itself.

    Thank you for listening to our podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!

  • S05E04 - HR Rescue: 2019 Year-End Payroll Filing, ACA Reporting

    The end of 2019 is quickly approaching, bringing with it a multitude of annual payroll and Affordable Care Act (ACA) information return reporting and filing requirements. Without a solid understanding of all that must be accomplished by federal and state deadlines, meeting year-end obligations can be difficult. Careless mistakes may lead to costly penalties. In this episode HR expert Jenni Stone shares some key tools and resources to help plan and manage year-end challenges.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast. We will continue to keep you updated on the changing landscape of Human Resources and address any topic area you wish to learn more about regarding HR and HR Compliance. Please leave a comment below as we value your feedback or if you have an HR question ask and we just might make your question our next podcast!